wild rye การใช้
- Skunk cabbage, wild rye and spikerush crowd its shallow banks, and flying insects skim the mottled surface.
- Manufacture of the bricks used local " wild rye ", and some bricks likely originated from Marcus Whitman's mission.
- But by late summer, coneflowers, asters, black-eyed Susans, bergamot and milkweed should be blooming among the little bluestem and wild rye.
- Prior to European colonization, the grasses on the East Coast of North America were mostly broom straw, wild rye, and marsh grass.
- Some say the community was named for the wild rye native to the area, while others believe the place is named for rye whiskey.
- The deep prairie roots of native grasses like Virginia wild rye and native fescue, Apfelbaum said, will cut runoff by an estimated 50 percent more than in lawn-intensive developments of similar size.
- The rehabilitation specialists have two goals this fall-- stabilizing watersheds to control erosion and limiting the invasion of noxious weeds like cheatgrass and medusahead wild rye that push out native grasses and degrade the ecosystem.
- Where once uniform rows of corn and soybeans were grown, Ms . Drobney now takes visitors wading, with difficulty, through prairie grasses up to 12 feet high, trudging through Canada wild rye, big bluestem, little bluestem, nut sedge and Indian grass.
- Studying this evolutionary ancestor is key because it provides answers to expanding wheat production and sustaining the global food demand, especially given the future threats of climate change and limited arable land . Mammoth Wild Rye " ( Leymus racemosus ) in Mongolia ."
- Grasses included big bluestem ( Andropogon gerardi Niagra ), sideoats grama ( Bouteloua curtipendula ), Canada wild rye ( Elymus canadensis ), junegrass ( Koelria cristata ), switchgrass ( Panicum virgatum Shelter ), little bluestem ( Schizachyrium scoparium ), and indiangrass ( sorghastrum nutans ).
- In the 1750s, the explorer and surveyor Christopher Gist, traveling near the Ohio River in what later became western West Virginia, wrote in his journal of " Indian old fields . " He described " large meadows, fine clover Bottoms & spacious Plains covered with wild Rye ".